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membru din 7 iulie 2016

So deeply and passionately in love

           Us ♦ I’m suppose to make her laugh but when she laughs I’m the one in love
             Just some of their texts on different ocasions or just for no reason at all   
        ▪ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ■   www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtqiBUOSm_A   ■ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▪
         I don’t know what it is about you. Maybe it’s the way nothing else matters when we’re talking
    or how you make me smile more than anyone else has. It could be the way you say the right thing at the
    right time. But whatever it is, I just want you to know that it means a lot to me. It means everything to me.
     I don’t even know when you became so important to me, but we found each other and that’s amazing.
       You ask me if I hate you and I can’t believe you still don’t get it. You think I stopped talking to you
    because I hate you but you don’t understand that I could never hate you. I wish I could hate you because then
     everything would be so much easier, you don’t understand that you could break my heart over and over
       again and I still wouldn’t be able to hate you. I stopped talking to you because I’m in love with you
    and, Oh God, I wish I could tell you that. I wish I could scream I love you so damn much it hurts I wish and I
     wish and this is all I could say. You mean so much to me. You’re the last thing I want to lose. I like to
       listen to you talk, I like the way that you say things differently than I. I love how with every word
    you say, have me begging for the next one. Your words are so gentle, planned out quickly in your mind. Oh
     how I wish that I could talk as calmly as you. I love how your hips fit between mine. I love the way you
       are holding me in your arms because I know I’m safe from the world’s harms. Your laugh is gorge-
    ous, not the little chuckle you make when I pull a silly face but your real laugh. Your heart felt laugh, it’s truly
     something spectacular, it’s as if it is a melody and it has surly become my favorite song. You make me
       feel safe, when with you I feel at home. It doesn’t matter where I am, as long as you stay by my side
    through the morning and the night everything will be alright. I want to travel with you, I want to see your favo-
     rite place, I want to share my secret places with you. I want take you to the palace of my mind, I want you to
 understand the feeling of wholeness I get when you’re near. I want you. Today, tomorrow, want you in every way.
   imgbox.com/5wnuqdHi ▫ ▫ ▫ ■   Somewhere between our laughs I fell in love  ■ ▫ ▫ ▫ imgbox.com/TvyOpQ7M
· ▌1st ̫m̫̫e̫̫s̫̫s̫̫a̫̫g̫e̫ between them  ▌━
· ▌1st ̫m̫̫e̫̫s̫̫s̫̫a̫̫g̫e̫ between them ▌━
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━ ▌2nd ̫m̫̫e̫̫s̫̫s̫̫a̫̫g̫e̫ between them ▌━
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━ ▌3rd ̫m̫̫e̫̫s̫̫s̫̫a̫̫g̫e̫ between them ▌·
◣ 1st ̼s̼̼e̼̼l̼̼f̼̼i̼e̼ ▌▌they took together ◢
◣ 1st ̼s̼̼e̼̼l̼̼f̼̼i̼e̼ ▌▌they took together ◢
━ ▌4th ̫m̫̫e̫̫s̫̫s̫̫a̫̫g̫e̫ between them ▌━
━ ▌4th ̫m̫̫e̫̫s̫̫s̫̫a̫̫g̫e̫ between them ▌━
◣ 2nd ̼s̼̼e̼̼l̼̼f̼̼i̼e̼ ▌▌they took together ◢
◣ 2nd ̼s̼̼e̼̼l̼̼f̼̼i̼e̼ ▌▌they took together ◢
◣ 3rd ̼s̼̼e̼̼l̼̼f̼̼i̼e̼ ▌▌they took together ◢
◣ 3rd ̼s̼̼e̼̼l̼̼f̼̼i̼e̼ ▌▌they took together ◢
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━ ▌5th ̫m̫̫e̫̫s̫̫s̫̫a̫̫g̫e̫ between them ▌━
◣ 4th ̼s̼̼e̼̼l̼̼f̼̼i̼e̼ ▌▌they took together ◢
◣ 4th ̼s̼̼e̼̼l̼̼f̼̼i̼e̼ ▌▌they took together ◢
· ▌6th ̫m̫̫e̫̫s̫̫s̫̫a̫̫g̫e̫ between them ▌━
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━ ▌8th ̫m̫̫e̫̫s̫̫s̫̫a̫̫g̫e̫ between them ▌·

Comentarii album • 8
livingthemomentxfam 6 ianuarie 2017  
=))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) #marina
handsoflove 6 ianuarie 2017  
;) ;)
lithium 15 octombrie 2016  
gifurile sunt cool :*
handsoflove 15 octombrie 2016  
Doar gifurile??
lithium 15 octombrie 2016  
handsoflove 15 octombrie 2016  
şi replicile lui zayn***
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